In Speech Perfect we provide high-quality speech therapy services online. From the comfort of your own house. All you need is a computer with audio and a camera, and good speed internet connection.
Our practice was developed to promote the individuals in need of focused speech therapy. We provide services in the following areas:
Articulation (speech therapy), is the placement of the lips and tongue to produce an accurate and intelligible sound for the production of words, phrases, sentences, and conversation. We accept children who may already be getting speech therapy services in the school system. We can assist with decreasing amount of time spent in speech therapy.
Language is the ability to process incoming information and then express, correct sentence structure, proper grammar, and vocabulary, as well as appropriate responses to questions or conversations. Language treatment can be completed with young children for the development of skills or with adults after a stroke.
Swallowing is the act of consuming food as well as the feeding process, however, these are two disorders that are treated with different approaches. Swallowing disorders occur at one or all of the four stages of the swallow. This can interfere with growth and development, cause dehydration or malnutrition, and lead to more serious conditions that may result in death. Feeding disorders may affect the individual in similar ways, but can also interfere with meal times or eating in public such as a school or a restaurant.
Voice is the use of vocal cords to produce a sound for the production of speech. Voice disorders can be associated with trauma, neurological diseases, vocal abuse, or cancer of the throat. Voice treatment outcomes are measured with less objective tools and include behavioral techniques with more education and training.