After a long break from international traveling because of the global pandemic, I managed to visit the beautiful country of Malta.

Malta is actually the 10th smallest country in the world and the first European country to achieve herd immunity against COVID-19, having the majority of the population fully vaccinated.

Located almost in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, Malta has warm and dry weather almost all year round, making it a great destination for both winter and summer.

Although its tiny size, Malta played a very important role during WW2 due to its strategic position and it is full of great historical facts for both modern and ancient history.

There I had the honor of meeting a very special guest for a ‘Wanderlust SLP’ video. Mrs. Norma Camilleri Chair of the board of the European Speech and Language Association, as well as president of the ASLP of Malta. We talked about speech therapy in Malta as well as the European Speech and Language Association (ESLA), and the upcoming Congress next May in Salzburg, Austria. Check out the video for all the details!

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Speech therapy around the world: Wanderlust SLP in Malta

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