World Voice Day (WVD) is a worldwide event that takes place every year on April 16 devoted to the celebration of the phenomenon of voice. The aim is to show the great importance of the voice in the daily lives of people. Voice is a critical aspect of effective and healthy communication, and World Voice Day brings global awareness to the need for preventing voice problems, rehabilitating the sick voice, training the artistic voice, and researching the function and application of voice. One of the goals of World Voice Day is to encourage all those who use their voice for business or pleasure to learn to take care of their voice, and know-how to seek help and training, and to support research on the voice.

The theme for this year is One World Many Voices.

Voice is not only the sounds we make from our mouths. It is more than just speech. Voice signifies one’s expression of thought. It frees people from silence and connects them with each other.

Healthy tips to protect your voice

  • Avoid whispering
  • Avoid talking fast
  • Take time to rest your voice
  • Stay hydrated
  • Learn to use properly your diaphragmatic breathing
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Try not to overuse your voice. Avoid speaking or singing when your voice is hoarse or tired.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise increases stamina and muscle tone. This helps provide good posture and breathing, which are necessary for proper speaking.

If you have any concerns about your voice, a speech-language pathologist who is experienced in treating voice problems can teach you how to use your voice in a healthy way.


World Voice Day 2021: One World Many Voices